Summarizing the greatness of Cosmic Psychos in a few lines is a very difficult task, but one thing is certain: since they formed on the outskirts of their native Melbourne 40 years ago to this day, the band remains faithful to their old philosophy : punk-rock and beer.
With a lot of albums on the most important punk-rock labels (Sub-Pop, Shock, Amphetamine Reptile, Man’s Ruin among others), tours around the world and despite being friends with contemporaries like Mudhoney, Pearl Jam or Butch Vig, (Nirvana’s “Nevermind” producer among others), who was the man behind the sound of their album “Blokes You Can Trust”, being able to focus their career towards higher levels, they have never wanted to and never quit their other jobs. They play when they can and we still don’t believe that they are going to cross the world to come to Funtastic.
Ross Knight on bass and vocals, John McKeering on guitar and vocals and Dean Muller on drums, come to show us that the old formula of pub-rock, beer and fuck off is hotter than ever and if anyone is guilty of the Australian punk explosion of today with The Chats or Amyl and The Sniffers at the top among dozens of other bands, they are Cosmic Psychos. In fact, thanks or because of these bands, who keep saying that they are their greatest influence, our Australian idols are bigger then ever.
In Ross’s words:
“The band is a hobby band because I could not be inspired or think about writing about anything if I was a full-time muso, because that would be as boring as shit. You’ve got to stub your toe. You’ve got to worry about being broke. You’ve got to get hangovers. You’ve got to get separated from your partner. You’ve got to have kids to worry about and all that kind of stuff. If you’re just travelling around in a fancy bus and flying around the world, what the hell are you supposed to write about?”